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02 June 2020

The ECA/DFI response manual to Covid-19

Middle East & Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe
Managing Editor
CC Solution's has compiled a list of all the new tools and product offerings being rolled out by ECAs and DFIs in their bid to keep the world of trade spinning amid the Covid-19 crisis. Click on the article to download all that information in a palatable pdf.

ECAs and DFIs around the world have been quick off the blocks to introduce new tools and adapt existing products to help mitigate the economic fallout for the trade, export and project finance community from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. 

ECAs are a unique countercyclical economic policy tool. In emergency situations, like the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, ECAs tend to pull out all the stops and embrace such challenges proactively. So far amid the Covid-19 crisis, ECAs have proved receptive to requests and suggestions coming from the market, with agencies quick to grant waivers and concessions to importers and exporters caught off guard by the pandemic. 

As such, CC Solution’s have compiled a list of all the new tools and product offerings being rolled out by ECAs and DFIs in their bid to keep the world of trade spinning. To download the report please click here and to purchase the Agency Finance Handbook click here.

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