SK On Hungary

SK On Hungary - ECA Covered Loan

SK On Hungary
Power/Battery storage
Area of finance
Export & Agency Finance

Deal Overview

Euler Hermes, KSure and KEXIM joined together in an ECA backed financing for SK On Hungary. SK On Hungary is SK Innovation’s first European battery plant to produce third-generation battery cells for Global auto maker using pouch technology.

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Albina Rosenkranz

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Agnès Tauty-Giraldi

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Anja Von Seckendorff-Aubriot

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Aude Fourcade

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Barbara Schoene

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Bart Vansteenkiste

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Byungkoo Kim

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Clemens Haas

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Corvin Boehme

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Georges Curey

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Guido Berning

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Han Sun LIM

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Himtak Liong

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Hironari Kagami

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Jesse Kim

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John Corrin

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Kathrin Marchant

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Kyo Min KOO

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Laura Fourcade

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Marta Zuliamis

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Martine Jany

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María Román

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Milo Houben

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MK Lee

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Eid Nagib

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Philip Y H WONG

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Robert Kim

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Sebastien Grillet

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Sonja Schoentag

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Stefan Euler

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Suk Jae Kim

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Tae Gyun KIM

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Ulrich Schulte Lünzum

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Véronique De Blic

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William Fournel

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WS Noh

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Yo Won Chung

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DK Lee

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