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20 May 2024

Keynote: UKEF’s CEO Reid looks through new lenses for exporters

Tim Reid, CEO of UK Export Finance, discusses the lenses through which the ECA will define the success of its new business plan, which builds on its record as the fourth...

18 February 2022
Metals and Mining

Metallurgical and thermal coal: Different cokes for different folks?

Provisional results from TXF's annual Export Finance Industry Survey indicate that the retreat by export finance banks and ECAs from coal is very real. But it is also...

04 August 2021
Infrastructure, Transport

Global trade – all at sea and badly disrupted!

Global seaborne container trade and related supply chains have been heavily disrupted through the course of the pandemic. Shipping costs have consequently increased...

08 April 2021

Export finance sector shines through

The export finance sector has remained robust and resilient throughout the pandemic. TXF’s Industry Report and the Deals of the Year 2020 demonstrate this clearly. But...

10 February 2021

UK-EU TCA: The Brexit divorce papers continued

The signing of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) marks the first major deal for the UK with a regional trade bloc since its withdrawal from the European...

28 January 2021
Oil & gas, Power, Transport

Nord Stream 2 – completion is so near and yet so far

The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project between Russia and Germany has only 150 kilometres of pipeline left to lay, but increased sanctions from the US and now calls to...

26 August 2020

Time to double down on trade digitisation? On counting virtual beans

TXF looks at distinctions between virtual and real in trade digitisation. How much is the current crisis helping drive change? The challenges are more than simply...

04 September 2019

Lack of trade finance continues to hit SMEs badly

Latest reports indicate that the global trade finance gap stands at $1.5 trillion. Jonathan Bell reviews the scene and questions why so much more isn’t being done to...

28 August 2019

Commodity report for H1 2019 shows drastic drop in volumes

Overall volumes of global commodity trade financing fell by almost 30% according to the TXF H1 2019 Commodity Report. Jonathan Bell reviews this drastic drop and assesses...

22 August 2019

TXF Global: AXA XL on mergers and risk mitigation

Joe Blenkinsopp, global head of market development and distribution for political risk, credit & bond insurance at AXA XL, a division of AXA, talks to TXF from the...

07 November 2018
Agri/Soft Commodities, Infrastructure, Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Telecoms and Communications, Transport, Waste and water

China at a crossroads of international openness

China is hosting the world’s first international import expo. Jonathan Bell examines the development in what could be the start of a new era of trade focus for the...

31 October 2018
Infrastructure, Transport

PFI is dead – or is it?

The announcement by UK Chancellor Phillip Hammond that PFI is no more was no real surprise. But the government has left the door open to PPPs and cannot afford to put the...

30 October 2018

S&W breakfast briefing: Leveraging fintech in trade finance

In the latest edition of law firm Sullivan & Worcester’s Trade Finance Breakfast Seminar, partners Joel Telpner and Geoffrey Wynne outline the benefits of blockchain as...

11 October 2018
Oil & gas

North Sea M&A: Balanced for mutual benefits

Innovative sale and security structures have attracted a new breed of private equity-backed buyers into North Sea oil assets being sold off by the majors. And as the M&A...

06 June 2018

Out of the sandbox: Creating the right tools for the job

Financial regulators across Europe, North America and Asia are adopting a variety of strategies to encourage the development of financial technology in their...

15 June 2017

AML tech: Are regulators stuck in the past?

AML requirements are getting tighter and more costly for banks. But uptake of cost-cutting technology is slow – and for once it is regulators rather than banks that are...

30 May 2017

Keeping up with fintech and blockchain initiatives

In the latest edition of law firm Sullivan & Worcester's Trade Finance Breakfast Seminars, partner Joel Telpner discusses current developments involving fintech and...

18 April 2017

Uruguyan wind: Small market - big impact

Uruguay is the MacGyver of clean energy development. Equipped with just some pocket change from the UN’s climate fund, the country has become a global standard-bearer for...

23 December 2016

The age of uncertainty: Trade wars and laws in 2017

Forecasts for trade since the financial crisis have been steady. Now, political anxiety and regulatory tightening casts a huge shadow of ambiguity over the trade outlook...

02 October 2016

South Africa's indispensable finance minister

Finance Minister Gordhan has demonstrated his indispensability to avoid another downgrade of South Africa’s credit rating and to maintain unity within the governing ANC...