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25 January 2019
Agri/Soft Commodities, Infrastructure, Manufacturing & equipment, Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Telecoms and Communications, Transport, Waste and water

TXF podcast: 2019 export finance predictions extravaganza

In this episode, resident TXF podders discuss trade wars, a tightening of the credit cycle, the future of Saudi Arabia as a borrower market, and the implications of a...

22 January 2019

2018 in review: House predictions put to the test

The TXF podcast team revisit the predictions they made at the start of last year, look at who was right and who was a little “ahead of their time”, and discuss the...

16 January 2019
Infrastructure, Transport

European transport finance: Funding next year's model

European governments and the private sector face an enormous transport challenge. In addition to demand for greenfield infrastructure, there is a backlog for investment...

08 January 2019

Greece's high stakes renewables reforms

With a new renewable energy support scheme in place and a stabilising regulatory environment, the Greek renewables sector has begun attracting international lender and...

08 January 2019

Trade finance funds: Confidence dips on Shinhan retreat

Shinhan Capital’s recent redemptions and BAF Capital’s winding down of BLTFF have focused attention on inefficiencies in the trade finance fund market. The extent of the...

07 January 2019

Wearing sustainability in export finance, the latest TXF podcast

TXF’s first podcast of 2019 focuses on sustainability in export finance, as the community looks for commercial opportunities as the market steers away from traditional...

04 January 2019

Risky Business: Africa terrorism, regime risks and corruption but still relative stability

TXF and Coriolis Technologies’ country risk index investigates the trends in trade weaponization in Africa. Rebecca Harding, CEO of Coriolis Technologies points to...

20 December 2018

Is the new US development finance agency taking a knife to a gunfight?

The IDFC — which could eventually incorporate US Exim — will see the US try to take on the Chinese development banks at their own game. TXF asks how that will play out...

19 December 2018
Infrastructure, Power, Renewables, Waste and water

Winds of change filter in

The recent UN climate change conference COP24 gave us all a stark reality check on where we are in terms of trying to do something to save this planet. It’s a massive...

12 December 2018

What price non-recourse debt for US offshore wind?

Balance sheet capacity and strong banking relationships are the best chance the US has of making progress in offshore wind development. While both developers and lenders...

07 December 2018

How far will the PRI market move away from wet ink signatures?

Bernie de Haldevang, head of specialty at Canopius, talks to TXF about the digitisation of trade finance insurance and how the market is still wedded to paper. The market...

06 December 2018
Agri/Soft Commodities, Infrastructure, Manufacturing & equipment, Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Telecoms and Communications, Transport, Waste and water

US offshore wind: On track to join the major markets

The 2019 expiration of the Investment Tax Credit is unlikely to put the dampers on a US offshore wind sector that looks set to take off.

05 December 2018
Metals and Mining

Moving ahead in southern Africa

TXF last week held its annual Cape Town Conference on southern African Commodities, Export & Project Financing. Here, Jonathan Bell highlights some of the key takeaways...

03 December 2018

Looking beyond rooted trade finance structures with A&O

There has been innovation within commodity and trade finance structures as market participants and practitioners get more ambitious with the tools available to them. TXF...

30 November 2018

Offshore wind finance: A full-blown exchange of ideas

Offshore wind projects are getting bigger, costs are getting cheaper, the lending market is more diversified and even the seminal corporate PPA market is picking up. But...

21 November 2018

Euler Hermes: Embracing the digital revolution

Mark Schulz, director of risk, claims & collections and executive board member at Euler Hermes Switzerland, explains how Euler Hermes has embraced the digital revolution,...

19 November 2018

Funding in a frosty climate

With many European banks having reduced exposures, small- and mid-size traders are turning to new sector specific funds or small regional banks for financing – but at a...

02 November 2018
Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Power

Natixis: Restructured and balance sheet smart

There have been some key structural changes at Natixis over the past two years. Dominique Fraisse, global head of energy & natural resources, explains how the bank is...

31 October 2018

Blockchain’s big opportunity: rebooting trade finance

Will blockchain be able to learn the lessons of previous failures in attempts to digitise global trade? Sen Ganesh, partner with Bain & Company’s Financial Services...

25 October 2018
Agri/Soft Commodities, Oil & gas

Commodity debt: How green is an ESG-linked greenback?

Gunvor and ECOM have returned to the market with debut sustainability performance-linked loans – but how sustainable are these structures and how are they policed in a...