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07 March 2018

Global export finance 2017: Numbers crunched without the headache

TXF has released its Global export finance results for 2017 and of the many unexpected results the major one is an almost complete change in the top five commercial...

24 January 2018

Accuity announces two senior leadership appointments

Accuity, the global financial crime compliance, payments and KYC solutions provider, has appointed Sean Norris as Head of Sales, EMEA & APAC, based in London; and...

22 November 2017
Infrastructure, Transport

The long road across Veneto

Eight years in the making and with a revamp of the concession structure, the Pedemontana Veneta road project still has its critics. But there is no argument that getting...

16 November 2017

Perfect 10 Deals of the Year 2017 - open for submissions now

TXF is open for submissions for its Perfect 10 Deal of the Year Awards 2017. Our awards are based on votes by the market via our electronic voting system on...

06 October 2017
Oil & gas

Rover: Testing the term loan B market

Given total dollar volume in the term loan B market was around $11.6 billion in 2016, of all the pipelines looking for B loan debt, the Rover gas pipeline project - which...

02 October 2017

Digitisation of receivables: In the spotlight at ITFA Edinburgh meeting

One of the many hot topics under the spotlight at the ITFA annual conference, this year held in Edinburgh, was the subject of digitisation and standardisation of...

20 September 2017

Best in Class Awards get biblical

Including the key deals, data and market trends from the past six months – and most significantly this year's expanded Best in Class Awards – the TXF Chronicle 2017...

24 July 2017
Power, Transport

Interconnector Italia: Thinking outside the box

Interconnector Italia – a consortium of high-energy-use private sector companies in Italy – has signed a partially EIB-backed financing for its share of the Italy-France...

04 July 2017

Open Fiber: Banks key to Italian broadband

Open Fiber's fibre-optic broadband build-out could be one of Europe's largest infrastructure financings of 2017, if CEO Tommaso Pompei's stated timescale is not too...

22 June 2017

Bibby appoints corporate managers in Scotland and England

Bibby Financial Services has appointed Sean Flannery and Ronnie Stokes as corporate managers for the north of England and Scotland respectively. Flannery joins BFS from...

14 June 2017
Power, Renewables

Gipuzkoa: Raising optimal cash for debut in trash

Meridiam has cut a dash with its debut in the waste concession market via a mixed bond and loan package designed for optimal tenor at optimal pricing.

01 June 2017

Japanese wind: Getting offshore in a sea of permits

Japan has 600GW of theoretical offshore wind according to the Japan Wind Power Association. But with only a handful of nearshore projects under development, what is...

29 May 2017

Australian solar: End of the eclipse

Long eclipsed by the wind market, unprecedented deal volume in the Australian solar sector and improving bankability is focusing lenders' attention on a market that could...

29 May 2017

Sean Klimczak to head Blackstone infra fund

The private equity firm has selected the senior managing director to head up the new $40 billion infrastructure business.

22 May 2017

Message received: ACWA’s holdco hybrid a hit with investors

ACWA Power’s complex non-recourse bond debut was never going to be an easy sell to mainstream investors. But after 200-plus face-to-face account meetings and constant...

18 May 2017

Perfect 10 Victoria International Container Terminal: Sweet sixteen - a TXF ECA/project finance Deal of the Year

A long tenor deal in a market where miniperms are the norm, the structure of the A$398 million VICT financing enabled ICTSI to demonstrate that 16-year debt is possible...

12 May 2017

Perfect 10 Vitol Upstream Ghana: Unusual requirements - Unique solution - a TXF ECA/project finance Deal of the Year

The first African upstream oil and gas development loan to feature a European export credit agency supporting a project finance/reserves-based lending hybrid, Vitol’s OCTP...

10 May 2017

Perfect 10 Virgin Voyages: Cruising without the bruising - a TXF ECA/project finance Deal of the Year

$2.2 billion of ECA-covered non-recourse debt for a start-up cruise line – the Virgin Voyages deal is SACE at its export support best.

09 May 2017

Perfect 10 Sangaredi: High tenor and pitched perfect - a TXF ECA/project finance Deal of the Year

DFI loans and a rare untied UFK covered loan enabled commercial banks to push the tenor on CBG’s Sangaredi mine expansion financing to 15 years - a record for Guinean...

26 April 2017

Perfect 10 Shandong Qingyuan: Warming the pots - a TXF commodity finance Deal of the Year

The race to close the first international syndicated structured loan into Chinese downstream oil and gas ended last year when Shandong Qingyuan debuted with a prepayment...