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28 January 2021

TXF's Global Export Finance Industry Report 2021 is underway

Chemicals/Petrochemicals, Infrastructure, Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Other, Power, Renewables, Telecoms and Communications, Transport, Waste and water
Middle East & Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe
Head of Research Projects
A record 452 individual respondents have taken part in TXF Research's Global Export Finance Survey for 2021.

This 31% increase in participants on 2020s report is a strong sign that the industry is crying out for data-driven intelligence that explores the latest trends, challenges, and disrupters. During times of uncertainty, content is king, and I am certain that with the breadth and depth of data collected for 2021s Global Export Finance Industry Report, this will be our most thought-provoking and insightful report yet.

I write to you as the analysis and write-up phase is well underway and to pique your interest, here is a more detailed rundown of what the final report will include. For the export finance banks, the report explores future regional and sector activity and capital allocation; cost of funds and the implication that Covid-19 has had on pricing; banks’ views on the ECA market; views on closing deals virtually, identifying new deals and identifying new customers, sustainability, with a focus on task force on climate-related financial disclosures (TCFDs); and what lies ahead for the export finance banking industry.

For the ECAs, the report delves into, which sectors and regions their clients are mostly defaulting; an exploration of deal restructurings and deal moratoria; the products they plan to role out to further tackle Covid-19; their use, or not, of direct lending in the future; their views on the OECD Arrangement; and their stance on sustainability and all things ESG over the coming years.

Of course, a TXF flagship report would not be complete if we didn’t have our industry-leading banking and ECA heatmaps – the only place you can find out how the banks and ECAs compare against one another based on their own clients’ views. This year, there are 216 exporters and borrowers that rated the banks and ECAs – more than we have ever had.

All of the quantitative trends are contextualised with qualitative insights from active players in the market, a vitally important step if we are to understand how and why the market trends are occurring.

Further still, all this market sentiment data is further contextualised with the latest closed deal data from our industry-leading TXF Data platform, supported by incredibly detailed and nuanced insights from our highly skilled editorial team.

For more information on the report or on any of the TXF Intelligence products, please contact myself (tom.parkman@txfmedia.com) or Andrew Rankin (andrew.rankin@txfmedia.com).


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