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19 July 2021
Power, Transport

Shop talk: Upping ECA benchmarks in Benin

TXF spoke with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Benin and Natixis about a landmark Bpifrance-covered financing to back an electricity transmission and distribution...

29 June 2021

Canadian impact fund debuts new model for financing indigenous entrepreneurs

The $150 million IGF fund—run by and for indigenous communities—reached first close at the end of April. The innovative Canadian social impact scheme uses public sector...

28 June 2021

Making the right connections

You can count the number of true project financings for European and UK interconnectors on one hand. But following changes to regulation, and more expected to follow in...

10 June 2021
Chemicals/Petrochemicals, Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Transport

Not charged up and plenty of places to go!

Crude oil producers got a sharp wake-up call with the recent Dutch court ruling against Shell. In a fast changing world many of the big oil producers need a wake up to...

02 June 2021
Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Transport

Eat your greens: Will incentive issues stymie ESG ambitions for ECAs?

Is financing ESG-linked projects and exports going to be limited by what exporters and project financiers cannot do rather than what they can? How can (or should)...

14 May 2021
Metals and Mining

Mining: A different shade of green

The mining sector is becoming a new frontier for green finance, as lenders take a greater interest in ESG issues. While green finance in mining has the potential to...

11 May 2021

Brighter skies gradually begin to appear for EU-UK trade relations

On 27 April the European Union (EU) ratified the Brexit trade agreement with the United Kingdom. Here, TXF speaks to Alan Farkas, partner at international law firm Dorsey...

06 May 2021

Trade digitisation: Testing the secret sauce

Has the secret sauce to trade digitisation been discovered in MLETR and is it something that will get over a decade of industry fatigue on the subject? Will the trade...

04 May 2021

TCFD in export finance: Does one size fit all?

Born out of the concern that financial institutions were not adequately accounting for their exposure to climate-related risks, TCFD has targeted industry-wide adoption,...

29 April 2021

The EU gears up for development finance framework

The EU is currently considering a financial framework for European multilateral and bilateral development banks – under the EFAD umbrella. But, as Paul Mudde, consultant...

20 April 2021

Xylem and Citi on sustainability and trade: Transparency is key

Jump right in and take sustainability to where the client is at in their journey. That’s the strong message of TXF’s discussion with Donna Laviolette, Senior Manager,...

14 April 2021
Agri/Soft Commodities, Chemicals/Petrochemicals, Infrastructure, Manufacturing & equipment, Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Other, Power, Renewables, Telecoms and Communications, Transport, Waste and water

ESG: Is the G silent for ECAs?

The G for governance is often silent in discussions of ESG, Environment, Social and Governance. TXF tries to unpick this and its importance for supply chain management...

31 March 2021

LNG projects in Mozambique threatened by increased attacks

Mozambique’s economic future rests on the success of the development of the country’s LNG development projects. So, with so much at stake, why has the government and the...

22 March 2021

Pretty green: Mangroves could be a $12bn climate finance market

A Pakistan-based case study led by the UK’s development finance institution, CDC Group, demonstrated the investment case for a mangrove restoration project next to a wind...

10 March 2021

Guest opinion: Supply chain finance – reputation in tatters? Deserved or just deflection?

Supply chain finance and particularly payables finance is back in the spotlight after the news flow on Greensill. Is this the death knell for the product or is it a case...

25 February 2021

ECAs and the once elusive SME: Hunting the Snark?

What has Covid meant for ECAs and their ability to attract smaller companies? How are ECAs responding to the needs of these new clients and how are they broadening their...

19 February 2021

Danske Commodities: Green is the new grey

TXF spoke with Tor Mosegaard, head of European power trading at Danske Commodities, to discuss the Danish energy trading house’s role in accelerating the energy...

17 February 2021
Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Transport

The energy transition: It’s not easy being green

Increasing pressure is being put on lenders to drop hydrocarbon projects, but this is much easier said than done and a proper transition period allows for all parties to...

13 January 2021

Reasons to be cheerful (in trade, treasury and risk in 2021), part one

It’s easy to be gloomy, but a new year is a good point to look to the bright side. Here are some thoughts about why staying in bed for the whole of 2021 will not be the...

01 December 2020

Exclusive: ICC rolls out ambitious new export finance sustainability initiative

The ICC Global Export Finance Committee’s Sustainability Working Group is out to market with an ambitious initiative: to engage the export finance community in a...