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08 July 2024

TXF Athens: ADB’s verdant green horizons

Bart Raemaekers, head of guarantees and syndications at ADB, outlines how the bank’s $13 billion pipeline is leveraging de-risking elements to meet a strong commercial...

02 February 2024

How do you fix overpriced macro risk premiums?

DFI support mechanisms have tended to focus on the project-specific micro premium in cost of capital. But a report for the Climate Policy Initiative by Avinash Persaud...

10 November 2023
Power, Renewables

Indonesia’s coal-fired reckoning

ADB’s ETM and the $20 billion I-JETP initiative are currently negotiating the ambitious task of retiring Indonesia’s young fleet of coal-fired power plants. While the...

29 September 2023

LMA Syndicated Loans Conference 2023: shocks, crises, and reinvention

In an interview with Laurent Christophe, group treasurer at Trafigura, discussion focused on Ukraine, sustainability, and tapping into new sources of capital...

25 September 2023

Baltic Power: A blended finance first for Poland

The global backdrop to wind has been looking shaky of late. Project financing backing the Baltic Power project has just signed – but the rest of the first wave of...

15 September 2023

African infrastructure: Taking the local funding route

Financing the $170 billion African infrastructure gap using domestic capital pools isn’t quite a pie in the sky – there are several financing tools that are already...

17 August 2023

From idea to reality: Acre’s Export Finance Funds

Acre Impact Capital previewed the launch of its Export Finance Funds at TXF & Uxolo’s Global Conference 2023 in Lisbon. The first-of-its-kind strategy plans to bring...

09 August 2023
Infrastructure, Manufacturing & equipment, Power

WEXIF: Women in export and infrastructure finance buzz with energy

On the sidelines of TXF Global in Lisbon, the inaugural women in export and infrastructure finance (WEXIF) session was abuzz with energy. Here are a few of the main...

19 October 2022
Infrastructure, Other, Transport

Linha 6/Laranja: BNDES breaking new ground

The Sao Paulo Linha 6/Laranja scheme is a pathfinder deal that exhibits BNDES’ new mantra on infrastructure investment, turns typical financing under a DFI umbrella on...