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29 June 2021

Canadian impact fund debuts new model for financing indigenous entrepreneurs

The $150 million IGF fund—run by and for indigenous communities—reached first close at the end of April. The innovative Canadian social impact scheme uses public sector...

23 June 2021
Oil & gas, Power, Renewables

Hydrogen: The fuel of the future (with heavy subsidy)

Hydrogen projects are ballooning given the stronger focus on energy transition from policymakers and energy majors in the wake of the pandemic. But where’s the level of...

22 June 2021

BAFT: One hundred not out

One hundred years of an international trade body was a virtual party not to be missed. TXF spoke to Tod Burwell in the wake of the Bankers Association for Finance and...

21 June 2021
Power, Renewables, Transport

Energy transition in Africa - part 2: ECAs up support for big-ticket African renewables

According to TXF Intelligence, 2020 marked a landmark year for large-scale ECA-backed renewable projects - with two such financial blueprints emerging. But this fledgling...

10 June 2021
Chemicals/Petrochemicals, Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Transport

Not charged up and plenty of places to go!

Crude oil producers got a sharp wake-up call with the recent Dutch court ruling against Shell. In a fast changing world many of the big oil producers need a wake up to...

07 June 2021

TXF World Fair 2021: Global heads of export finance question time debate

Tomorrow marks the launch of the annual TXF Export Finance World Fair and the export finance community is all set to come together virtually from all corners of the globe...

02 June 2021
Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Transport

Eat your greens: Will incentive issues stymie ESG ambitions for ECAs?

Is financing ESG-linked projects and exports going to be limited by what exporters and project financiers cannot do rather than what they can? How can (or should)...

01 June 2021

TXF Global Commodity Finance: Top 10 trends

Last month, TXF Global Commodity Finance 2021 kicked off with a football themed opening video – passing, keepy-upping and headering its way through the top 10 industry...

26 May 2021

Greensill: Can you explain risk management in SCF to a select committee?

Amid the ongoing litigations and investigations related to Greensill Capital, including the eagerly awaited UK Serious Fraud Office investigation into Sanjeev Gupta’s GFG...

25 May 2021
Agri/Soft Commodities

Sucafina: The digital borrowing base benchmark

Sucafina has returned to the debt market for an ESG-tied borrowing base - sporting a debut digital tool courtesy of Komgo – as well as an upsized deal volume and extended...

24 May 2021
Metals and Mining

How development banks can lead trade finance’s blockchain transition

In a deal that will save weeks in processing time, African development bank TDB is using blockchain technology to finance $400 million-worth of fertiliser trade finance...

18 May 2021

Is the OECD Consensus too inflexible for emerging markets?

Since the introduction of the OECD Consensus over forty years ago, the framework has acquired numerous updates - most recently an increase to the local content...

13 May 2021
Infrastructure, Transport

Fallout of Suez blockage brings trail of claims

The Ever Given container ship has been ‘arrested’ and the Egyptian authorities are demanding massive compensation. And with the Japanese owners of the ship declaring...

06 May 2021

Trade digitisation: Testing the secret sauce

Has the secret sauce to trade digitisation been discovered in MLETR and is it something that will get over a decade of industry fatigue on the subject? Will the trade...

06 May 2021
Infrastructure, Power, Transport

Decarbonising shipping: What gets measured gets managed

With 80% of world trade requiring shipping to one degree or another, it is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. So what can be done to facilitate the green...

04 May 2021

TCFD in export finance: Does one size fit all?

Born out of the concern that financial institutions were not adequately accounting for their exposure to climate-related risks, TCFD has targeted industry-wide adoption,...

29 April 2021

The EU gears up for development finance framework

The EU is currently considering a financial framework for European multilateral and bilateral development banks – under the EFAD umbrella. But, as Paul Mudde, consultant...

26 April 2021

Shop talk: ClearDox on the digital transformation of trade

TXF spoke to Addison Armstrong, head of sales and marketing at ClearDox, an SaaS platform that provides data management and digital transformation solutions for commodity...

22 April 2021

Market welcomes OECD changes to rules on local content

Changes to the rules on local content within ECA-backed export financing is just one of the elements of the OECD Arrangement that many have been asking for. Now an...

21 April 2021

Russian corporates: Back with tight pricing and long tenors despite volatility

After a slow end to 2020, Russia's commodity-linked corporates have upped their syndicated loan market activity as ‘Covid premiums’ dissipate. And despite fresh US...