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09 October 2019

US Exim: Politics vs profit

US Exim’s full reauthorisation was expected at the end of last month as glimmers of bipartisan support returned to the US ECA. But now big ticket business is under threat...

08 October 2019
Power, Renewables, Transport

Green and lean: TXF’s Sustainable Deals H1 2019 report

TXF’s debut Sustainable Deals H1 2019 report partnered with Acre Impact Capital to help provide a comprehensive methodology and classify sustainable deals in the ECA...

18 September 2019

Looking behind the mask on trade finance at ITFA

Katharine Morton ponders the opacities of financing trade, and what lies beneath, revealed at ITFA’s celebration of a mysterious dance of hide and seek

18 September 2019
Infrastructure, Oil & gas, Power, Transport

TXF Export Finance Industry Survey 2019

TXF’s Export Finance Industry Report 2019 is here. The survey, which comprises the views of 259 individual senior export finance practitioners at banks, ECAs, importers,...

16 September 2019

Caribbean Export: Pouring promotion into trade

TXF spoke with Anthony Bradshaw, CEO at Caribbean Export Development Agency, to find out more about promoting the region’s exports to the EU – and beyond. But, the agency...

11 September 2019
Agri/Soft Commodities

Louis Dreyfus: Laying a seedbed for sustainability-tied debt

ESG-tied debt benefits go beyond a simple PR play for Louis Dreyfus Company, it's now a tightly priced option for the trader, as its latest Asian revolver mimics its...

05 September 2019

TXF Global: HSBC's ECA activity led by Asia

Richard Hodder, global head of export finance at HSBC, spoke to TXF about the bank's most active regions and sectors, the progress of the IWG on Export Credits, and how...

02 September 2019

Etihad Credit Insurance takes flight

Massimo Falcioni, CEO at Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI) talks to TXF about how the UAE’s new ECA has been made operational in record time, and how its plans for the future...

27 August 2019
Oil & gas

TXF Global: Petroperu's ECA experience

TXF spoke with Petroperu’s vice chairman, Hernan Barros, to discuss the company’s debut ECA-backed financing with CESCE for the Talara oil refinery, with further...

20 August 2019
Power, Renewables

Australia's EfW: Waiting for waste

Australia’s energy-from-waste (EfW) sector is in project finance adolescence. But a lack of developers and varying waste supply agreements from councils are proving...

13 August 2019
Infrastructure, Power, Waste and water

Al Dur 2: A Saudi nightmare on ECA street

The $1.5 billion Al Dur 2 independent water and power project (IWPP) financing achieved a record length tenor for an uncovered local bank tranche, an indirect benefit of...

29 July 2019
Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Transport

TXF Global Berlin: CESCE raises risk apetite in LatAm

From the sidelines of TXF Global Berlin, Rocio Uriarte, deputy director for strategy at CESCE, talks about the Spanish ECA's growing pipeline of projects in Latin...

22 July 2019

TXF Global: Bpifrance on modernising export finance

At TXF Global last month, Maelia Dufour, head of international relations at Bpifrance Export Insurance, outlined the challenges of digitisation in export finance,...

09 July 2019
Power, Renewables

TXF Global Berlin 2019: Berne Union on ECAs and SDGs

From the sidelines of TXF Global, Vinco David, secretary general of the Berne Union, talks about the opportunities for export finance in sub-Saharan Africa, the recent...

26 June 2019

It’s only export finance rock and roll 2019 (but I liked it)

TXF’s top takeaways from the biggest gathering of the export and project finance community in the world, TXF Global 2019, are here.

25 June 2019

TXF's Export Finance Industry Choice Awards: The winners

This month, TXF were proud to announce the winners of the Export Finance Industry Choice Award at TXF Global 2019: Export, Agency & Project Finance event in Berlin. Click...

13 June 2019

Perfect 10 winners 2018: Export finance

This year's winners of the TXF Perfect 10 Export Finance Deals of the Year beat a lot of worthy contenders. Read on to find out why...

23 May 2019

Perfect 10 winners 2018: Commodity finance

Size matters - but innovation, strong marketing and a willingness to take on risk are the key traits that this year's winners of the TXF Perfect 10 Commodity Finance...

08 May 2019
Power, Telecoms and Communications, Transport

US Exim: Back in big business?

The US Senate is scheduled to vote today on the three nominees to serve on the board of US Exim. If the full quorum is confirmed as expected, will the dark cloud which...

24 April 2019

Powering up for business in Iraq

The defeat of Daesh in Syria and Iraq can hopefully provide greater impetus to new business in Iraq. What is critical now is consolidation of security for the rebuilding...